Organic Lilac Sugar

Nothing says spring quite like a lilac bush. They bring such a beautiful burst of much needed colour after a dreary winter season, and one of the happiest smells there is. While the blooms don’t last more than a few days once cut, it is still so worth it to bring some into the house as much as possible. We grow the fragrant purple heirloom lilacs at Elk Creek Farm and those are the ones I use to make lilac sugar with.
The tiny flowers of the common lilac are completely edible, and impart a lightly floral taste when infused in sugar. I use the wet method of processing which involves taking the lilac flowers and adding organic cane sugar—place in cuisinart and pulse for a minute or two and lay out on parchment sheets to dry in the sun .
The result is a delicious and beautiful sugar you can use to bake with or enjoy with teas, cocktails and mocktails.